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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2020

Official I Like Wine And Fly Fishing And Maybe People Vintage Retro Shirt

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Sides so that I always come out on top. I do not think that word means what he thinks it means. In his mind, those statements are consistent. They should have asked him how much money was in his secret Chinese bank account that he denies having. He’d probably give us the amount. We are getting close to the ending of the narcissist’s prayer. Yes, in that exact sequence. There wasn't even a gap between "I take responsibility" and "China's fault.". He took the responsibility and passed it right to China in a swift movement. See, if I play both sides then I always come out on top. He took the responsibility and passed it right to China in a swift movement. Georg. BUY IT:  Official I Like Wine And Fly Fishing And Maybe People Vintage Retro Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs
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Argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click here to review our details as to our approved domains list and outlet criteria. Trump literally said: "I take responsibility. It's not my fault, it's China's fault". Playing both sides so he can both confirm and deny. You can never be wrong if you make no sense at all.Trump: I play bot. BUY IT:  Awesome I Like Wine And Legends Car Racing And Maybe People Vintage Retro Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Top I Like Wine And Motorcycle Drag Racing And Maybe People Vintage Retro Shirt

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Runny nose and all, and come on over.By the way, he never shut down flights to China. The airlines did that on their own and he took credit for it. But to his supporters, that’s a good thing. It means Trump is a strong man, who doesn’t need to concern himself with rules. He rather specifically said he would open slow and give the businesses and schools the resources they need rather than just ripping the cord and letting people "lEaRn tO LiVe wITh iT" like trump suggested we do. One person's plan is literally waiting for vaccines which time vs giving families and people the resources they need to reduce cases. In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discu. BUY IT:  Top I Like Wine And Motorcycle Drag Racing And Maybe People Vintage Retro Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Cool I Like Wine And Pigeon Racing And Maybe People Vintage Retro Shirt

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Things... testing isolating/quarantining contact tracing.My cousin came back from Amsterdam during that time and just walked right. Into the country without even being asked anything. Straight through customs, The state department also lets infected cruise ship passengers come into. The country on flights with passengers that were not infected with the coronavirus. The CDC led by Robert Redfield let a whole planeload of infected people come through the Atlanta airport. It’s ridiculous.. they need to point that out. Oh it's worse than that, he shut down travel by Chinese nationals, but if you were American. Canadian or even a Mexican, get on a plane in Wuhans. BUY IT:  Cool I Like Wine And Pigeon Racing And Maybe People Vintage Retro Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Nice I Just Wanna Run And Hang With My Dog Vintage Retro Shirt

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Because Biden wouldn't be able to talk for a long time, and/or would talk himself into a corner or make a faux pas.Laughable of course, but that's what they were saying. For the life of me, I can never figure out when Trump starts slamming them for calling him xenophobic. About shutting down flights to Chinese nationals that it really did look xenophobic. Because Trump continued to let people come in from Europe without any testing quarantining or contact tracing. Which is exactly what you need to do to stem the spread of the virus. That’s where this administration messed up the most and it’s where other places that controlled the virus better a right simple. BUY IT:  Nice I Just Wanna Run And Hang With My Dog Vintage Retro Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Cool I Like Wine And Clay Pigeon Shooting And Maybe People Vintage Retro Shirt

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Itself. My thoughts exactly. In his presidency, he has done everything wrong. In his campaign, he’s also doing everything wrong. You all know what he’s done so I’m not gonna go into it here but if America votes for him again then there is no hope for us. We are doomed as a country. I sincerely mean that. Not just about the presidency, but house and senate as well. I dream of them all being blue, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it all turns red. Seems everyone has made up their mind already. We may be living witnesses to the fall of the US as a respected superpower. Before this debate, one of the Republican talking points was that muting the mics favored Trump. BUY IT:  Cool I Like Wine And Clay Pigeon Shooting And Maybe People Vintage Retro Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Grateful I Like Wine And Cycling And Maybe People Vintage Retro Shirt

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highest lawyer in the country, then having to debate against a pre-law student who took Econ 101 and Policy-Sci 101 at their local community college.I'd want to debate against somebody who was just as good as me, not somebody who somehow conned tens of millions of people. I'd want to debate against the best, not go up against the South Park peewee hockey team and win 98-0 and be told I actually lost. Anyone who’s responsible for that many deaths should not remain president. I know microphones were "muted" but seriously if Biden doesn't win, the US is beyond repair. The fact that they had to resort to muting to have a reasonable public debate says a lot in to. BUY IT:  Grateful I Like Wine And Cycling And Maybe People Vintage Retro Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Premium Hatch New Mexico Chile Shirt

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I didn't "steal" a joke. It's the Russell Crowe strategy. He can't fight cancer, but he can fight a person with cancer. I love the facial reactions Biden has when Trump says something insanely stupid. Dude when trump did not understand that joe Biden was not calling him literally Abraham Lincoln.He kept looking up like he was saying a short prayer. "Please God, don't let me lose to this idiot." I feel bad. That's a dude who spent his entire life in politics trying to better the country (sometimes failing but most of the time doing what he can) and this is who he has to debate against. It would be like studying law for years, practicing for years, being a 2nd. BUY IT:  Premium Hatch New Mexico Chile Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Original Hawaii Is Always Home Shirt

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The coronavirus. Or like what have you done for black people. Abraham Lincoln and some liberals have cried in my office telling me how much I've done for black people. The best response was Joe Biden's plan for green energy will cost you 100 trillion dollars. Trump doesn't even understand basic math. He claims that he cares about the elderly that have gotten COVID, but he's taking 90 minutes out of his night to beat the shit out of one I started reading this and thought "this is Reddit. How has this post not been downvoted into oblivion"? Then I finished reading the post and chortled. I don't subscribe/comment/lurk on that subreddit. I tend  stick select few. BUY IT:  Original Hawaii Is Always Home Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Top I Am Feminist Woman Educated Magic Intelligent Love Shirt

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Somely to carry immigrant babies over the border in their pouches. Border Patrol can’t stop them because technically coyotes are citizens of the world which means anything or anyone they carry are citizens of the world too. Then the coyotes drop the babies off in the nearest big city. The babies quickly set about stealing our jobs, getting all the free housing, and commit a lot of baby-related crimes. They also get welfare because they’re babies. So really, it all makes sense because coyotes want open borders. They also tend to vote Democrat. It’s crazy! Kind of like detail your response to the coronavirus. Many people have told me how good I was act against. BUY IT:  Top I Am Feminist Woman Educated Magic Intelligent Love Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs
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Windows then I don’t have to see the world burning around me! Hooray! Time to open up my real fake windows store. Get in on the ground floor with your investment. He had me in the first few minutes when he said the coronavirus vaccine would be delivered by the military “at operation warp speed” LMFAO. I nearly spat out my beer. That's literally the name though, Operation Warp Speed. So, not his usual big word salad. And that shit about immigrant babies being brought here by Coyotes! What the shit was that. He even said it twice. Do you not know about this? Do you even watch the news? See, what happens is people, like shady, foreign people, pay coyotes handes. BUY IT:  Pretty Beauty Luncheonette Montreal Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Nice Bodhi’s Surf Shop It’s Not Tragic To Die Doing What You Love Vintage Shirt

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Word associations. This is probably because he’s a malignant narcissist who thinks everyone thinks like him in his terms. It’s amazing when he rambles about energy efficiency measures. This topic also brought us the gem about him requiring multiple flushes to get his turds down the drain. I already don’t have a window at work. If the metric on who you’re going to vote for is windows; well then I’m at a loss for words. I feel like someone on his staff gave him a Xanax before because he was somewhat normal to start off with, then he started devolving. As someone who specializes in energy efficiency and retrofits, trump is a god, damn idiot. Well if I have note. BUY IT:  Nice Bodhi’s Surf Shop It’s Not Tragic To Die Doing What You Love Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Hot Cat What Part Of Meow Don’t You Understand Shirt

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Number by each passing minute. "Really tiny windows, Joe Biden doesn't want you to have windows."100 Trillion dollars. He seriously said an environmental plan would cost 100 trillion dollars. He's so against protecting the world we live in that he doesn't even know proper figures for making meaningful changes. That number is higher than the entire world's GDP. Insert Biden's catchphrase, "come on man.". So Biden allegedly wanting to turn “big windows into little windows” seems inherently repugnant to him. To him, it sounds like “I want to make a really good thing into a really bad thing”. He doesn’t understand that the general audience does not share bizarre. BUY IT:  Hot Cat What Part Of Meow Don’t You Understand Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Funny Santasaurus Dinosaur Christmas Shirt

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Trump now and I don't even like him. Bidens lies about not meeting up with top executives in Ukraine. He's no better than Trump and he's clearly losing his mind.You were never going to vote for anybody else, we're not stupid enough to fall for that. And if dishonesty, corruption, or dementia were the issues, you wouldn't vote for trump. You can't even troll well. If this shit burger of a story really caused you to be ok with voting for a fascist takeover of the country you need help. So you're buying into a story that conveniently came about right before the election in a story that would fit in on r/that happened. I hope you're still watching...Trump is get. BUY IT:  Funny Santasaurus Dinosaur Christmas Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Sweety Society Says I Am Autism God Says I Am Perfect Shirt

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Because I hear many other places have hours-long wait times and it isn't even election day yet. I'm very excited for you American's, Biden/Harris sounds like such a strong team. Hopefully, relations between Canada and the USA get back on track once they are in. You’re 100 percent right. But Trump did better in this debate. And the whole you had 8 years line was pretty good. Not really. He was the VP, and their admin was so hamstrung by Republicans that bringing it up and reminding everyone how awful Republicans are was not smart. He called trump Lincoln. Just making fun of trump saying he has done the most for black people maybe even more Lincoln. I'm voting. BUY IT:  Sweety Society Says I Am Autism God Says I Am Perfect Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Grateful The Strokes Shirt

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Would be recognized. Because that's a thing. We searched for a valid box (because that's a thing too) to deposit our ballots, found one, and dropped it as soon as we could. I obviously have a lean, but I've never encountered fake drop boxes, armed militia, or intimidation at this scale in the 15 years I've been voting. But, if you guys vote HIM in again, I'll have to go back to my 3rd world country.Sorry, you have no escape. Trump always says this bullshit "never in the history of our country." Yea, completely unprecedented early voting numbers. Just voted yesterday! Very short line and no trouble at all for me, but I could've been lucky with the waits times. BUY IT:  Grateful The Strokes Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Colorful Shut Your Five Hole Ice Hockey Goalie Canadians Shirt

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Is likely or probable. Apparently not. I'm putting the pieces together though. Last time I say anything in jest. I do because humor is a great coping mechanism; but not about that this is so close to what is likely to be the most contentious election of our lives. This one always bothered me. Taken at face value, I too initially thought the phrase was meant to encourage voter fraud. However, it could also mean: vote every election, not just this one. I’m on the fence. I have already. Made sure my circles were filled out to the brim, read the book that came to explain the extra fat that comes with each bill, I even tried my best to make sure that my signature. BUY IT:  Colorful Shut Your Five Hole Ice Hockey Goalie Canadians Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T-shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Beautiful Harness Racing Is The Best Solution Shirt

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Many people as COVID.Vote like our democracy depends on it because it very well may. We have to get this fascist out of the office. I voted Monday, 1st day in FL for early voting. I was surrounded by people wearing Trump 2020 masks. Oh Florida please don't let me down, I hope those masks are not representative of times to come. I’m chanting “2 more weeks, 2 more weeks!!” I’m an optimist also a realist. This can’t go on any longer.  I became a citizen in 2017. Partly to avoid being deported, and partly so I could vote. I filled in my ballot during the debate tonight and am so proud to vote against Trump. I've donated to Biden's campaign instead of watching fo. BUY IT:  Beautiful Harness Racing Is The Best Solution Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T -shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Good I Don’t Need Therapy I Just Need To Go To Canada Shirt

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During the crisis. No one was "responsible for the pandemic" except mother nature, or the Wuhan Institute of Virology if you're the conspiratorial type.What did Trump actually do during the pandemic that was so horrible? Yes, he fired Obama's pandemic team- that was not smart. But does it make him "responsible for the pandemic"? No. What was his actual policy? He left it up to the states. Now, we can certainly criticize him for that lack of leadership, and sure, he might have handled it better. But he was by no means "responsible for the pandemic" any more than Woodrow Wilson was "responsible" for the 1918 pandemic which, let's not forget, killed 20-100x ass. BUY IT:  Good I Don’t Need Therapy I Just Need To Go To Canada Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T -shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Lovely Siberian Husky Santa Christmas Lights Xmas Shirt

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Gonna fall into that trap and comment on his golf score. That would have been the only funnier way that could have ended. By all first-hand accounts, Trump isn't just bad at golf, he's an avid cheater and he's bad at cheating at golfDepends on the trap. My favorite sand trap, I’ve used a fairway wood to set the ball on the green from. I usually aim for that trap for that specific reason. The purpose isn’t to personally insult the opponent though, but to show the people who’s the better candidate. And GW Bush was reading to a group of kindergartners when planes hit the WTC. So what? You don't say Bush was "responsible for 9/11" just because of what her was do. BUY IT:  Lovely Siberian Husky Santa Christmas Lights Xmas Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: T -shirtbear- T-shirt - Customs

Premium Only Gay Cops Give Me Tickets Shirt

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Biden didn't just accuse Trump of being at his golf course during the pandemic. He accused him of being in a sand trap at his golf course. And that sleight against his golf ability probably means more to Trump than the comment on his abysmal covid responseReally don't wanna have to sift back through it for one sentence but at the same time....I really do want to hear it. I remember reading a short little article once about how Obama would play basketball with some NBA players, and wouldn’t invite them back if they went easy on him. I have a feeling that Trump’s golfing buddies don’t get invited back if they DON’T go easy on him. I thought for sure Trump wass. BUY IT:  Premium Only Gay Cops Give Me Tickets Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Pretty You Wanna Take My Guns Say When Shirt

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Than the Wuhan Virus. Do you ever find it strange that you never see a post on this sub that is upvoted coming from the conservative side of the aisle? You're in a positive feedback loop and you're being gaslit. You mean like how in r/conservative anything bad about any conservative thing or person is removed and the account bannedIs it China’s fault for how Trump handled the virus when it was in the States? Two minutes later, Trump acepta responsibility and rants for two minutes about how it's all China's fault. So he shifts responsibility? Yes, China did up and let it spread. But at the same time, the US's leadership dropped the ball in containing it there. BUY IT:  Pretty You Wanna Take My Guns Say When Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Perfect South Carolina You Can'T Take Out Of Her Heart Shirt

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Career). USA doesn't have the same pollution problem as China and its neighbours, and thus its not common practice for us to wear masks. The same is true for the rest of Europe who has similarly suffered. Thus when the Wuhan Virus became a pandemic then we were at China's mercy (after they went all over the country to buy up all our masks and medical equipment even in remote areas). Could he have done things differently and better? Of course. Would any president have been able to prevent major outbreaks in the USA? No way. It's simply not possible unless you're willing to shut down all borders for 2-3 years, and doing so will cause more death and destruction. BUY IT:  Perfect South Carolina You Can'T Take Out Of Her Heart Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Good Santa'S Pit Crew Race Car Ugly Christmas Santas Pit Crew T-Shirt

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Lived with someone who was sick (perhaps that's still their advice today). You’re talking as if it’s an all or nothing situation but I’m not talking about having the States be covid free. But instead just NOT being the worst in the world both in terms of cases/deaths. It’s telling that you want to deflect onto China and illegal immigration for how Trump handled covid though, considering neither of those (should) has an influence on Trump’s decision making. Of course they have influence. The previous administrations allowed and encouraged companies to set up all their manufacturing in China (and for this Biden has played large role throughout entire political. BUY IT:  Good Santa'S Pit Crew Race Car Ugly Christmas Santas Pit Crew T-Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Official Seinfeld 31st Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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All or nothing situation but I’m not talking about having the States be covid free, but instead just NOT being the worst in the world both in terms of cases/deaths. It’s telling that you want to deflect onto China and illegal immigration for how Trump handled covid though, considering neither of those (should) has an influence on Trump’s decision making. What masks? Back in January, we had no masks because the Chinese had brought them all up and shipped them back to China, and subsequently, then the Chinese government banned exports of medical equipment. That's also why that even in May then WHO advised people against wearing masks unless. They were sick ore. BUY IT:  Official Seinfeld 31st Anniversary Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Awesome The Rock Save A Pitbull Euthanize A Dog Fighter Shirt

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Spread for over a month. While the people had no idea what was happening and were therefore doing nothing to protect. Themselves then perhaps they would have been able to contain it. But once it became a pandemic then it was basically game over. Right now EU, whose leaders happen to be a lot more sensible than those in the USA/Asia, are suffering just as much with regard to the China pandemic. You make it sound as if the States were powerless in this situation but the States is literally the worst country in the world for covid. And I gave you the “solution”, ban the European countries and encourage mask-wearing back in January.You’re talking as if it’s an a. BUY IT:  Awesome The Rock Save A Pitbull Euthanize A Dog Fighter Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Premium The Answer To The Ultimate Question Of Life 420 Shirt

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Trump into not banning European countries or enforcing (or at least encouraging, holy hell) masks/shutdowns back in January. What's your solution? Shut down the borders for 2-3 years? And even if you're willing to destroy the economy doing that (not to mention all the damage and death this will result in), how do you even prevent the Wuhan Virus from entering the country through illegal immigration? And to the second point, do you not understand the idea then that it’s stupid to say it’s completely China’s fault? It’s equally as impossible for them to keep it in as it would be for the States to have kept it outIf China hadn't covered it up and allowed it too. BUY IT:  Premium The Answer To The Ultimate Question Of Life 420 Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Good Wrestling Because Other Sports Only Require One Ball Vintage Shirt

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All over the world and ship it back to China. Here's a report from April with more than 2 billion masks being imported into China. These people would travel even to remote areas all over the world, go to whichever. The store might have masks in the early morning, and buy up all of them. Chinese companies abroad would send their workers to do this during work hours.. Here's a single Chinese company that shipped 90 tonnes of Australian medical supplies back to China. And not only that, when the world desperately needed medical equipment and China had a lot to spare, then they would ban exports of medical equipment. Unless you want to say China somehow manipula. BUY IT:  Good Wrestling Because Other Sports Only Require One Ball Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Hot Santa Kitten Ugly Christmas Gift Xmas Cat Pajama Santa Kitty T-Shirt

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Impossible for them to keep it in as it would be for the States to have kept it out. I know you have an image of a China boogeyman in your head.Who’s responsible for everything bad in America. But you can’t blame them for how America handled the pandemic when it arrived. Of course, you can. The failure of containing the Wuhan Virus meant that once it became a pandemic then it would be impossible to stop - unless you're willing to shut down the borders for 2-3 years and destroy the economy (but even that is not possible for the USA since it's impossible to prevent illegal immigration). To make matters worse, China would buy up all medical equipment (including. BUY IT:  Hot Santa Kitten Ugly Christmas Gift Xmas Cat Pajama Santa Kitty T-Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Top I Like Wine And Sprint Car Racing And Maybe People Vintage Shirt

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Of course not.. even if you locked down the borders until there was a vaccine (meaning 2-3 years) then you'd still have a problem with people illegally crossing the border.I know you have an image of a China boogeyman in your head. Who’s responsible for everything bad in America. But you can’t blame them for how America handled the pandemic when it arrived. Unless you want to say China somehow manipulated Trump into not banning European countries. Or enforcing (or at least encouraging, holy hell) masks/shutdowns back in January. And to the second point, do you not understand the idea then. That it’s stupid to say it’s completely China’s fault? It’s equally a. BUY IT:  Top I Like Wine And Sprint Car Racing And Maybe People Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Good I Might Look Like I'M Listening To You But In My Head Shirt

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Fault for how trump handled it. Trump said that it’s chinas fault the virus came to America. And even then, that’s not entirely true. Is the responsibility entirely on China for a virus entering the United States? Could the States have not prevented that?What does it even mean to attribute the “fault” to a country? Taking responsibility would mean taking on the fault and mistakes made that led to this fault. The mistake was to facilitate an authoritarian regime's rise, for which Biden largely is responsible as he's been pro-China and lobbied for the CCP throughout his entire political career. Could anyone have prevented the Wuhan Virus from entering they USA. BUY IT:  Good I Might Look Like I'M Listening To You But In My Head Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Happy I Might Look Like I'M Listening To You But In My Head Shirt

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Otherwise valid criticism. I remember him saying both of those things, but surely he didn't say one right after the other. He’s technically not wrong it is partly China’s fault because they handled the outbreak poorly, BUT trump is ALSO to blame because he handled the situation just as bad if not worse than them. That’s not what he said. He said it’s chinas fault it came here. Nice job taking major details out of the quote. Is it China’s fault for how Trump handled the virus when it was in the States? Why don’t you write out the major detail of what question Trump was asked when he gave this answer? That’s not what I’m arguing. Trump did not say it’s chinaes. BUY IT:  Happy I Might Look Like I'M Listening To You But In My Head Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Original Motogp I Might Look Like I'M Listening To You But In My Head Shirt

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Both sides so you always come out on top but in this case, he looks like an idiot. Biden literally said, "I don't care about the color of the state. Red states are doing worse". Oh, he said it was China’s fault a few times from what I’ve heard. Seriously, Trump. Yes, this is correct. Responsibility and fault are two different things. It's a child's fault that they made a mess, but it's the parent's responsibility to clean it up.He said that he takes responsibility but not for it getting here because China brought it here. But you can spin it how you want. That's not the actual quote, no need to misrepresent it, that just allows Trump supporters to dismiss to. BUY IT:  Original Motogp I Might Look Like I'M Listening To You But In My Head Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Awesome Peace Love Rock And Roll Vintage Shirt

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Bility but China...,” I heard Dr. Phil’s voice in my head saying, “The word ‘but’ means ‘forget everything I just said.’” They do this so they can clip specific statements and leave things out of context but also have a way out. Seems like he tried to admit fault but his brain literally wouldn’t let him. Also, remember this "should have never been allowed to happen". Like some magical human has the power to allow a virus to spread. Joe Biden: this is the United States, no red states or blue states.. oh, but it's all red states' fault. All he had to do was order those responses properly but he failed. You literally cut out parts of what "literally said". Play. BUY IT:  Awesome Peace Love Rock And Roll Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Perfect Black Cat How To Train Your Human Shirt

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And passed it right to China in a swift movement. George Orwell would be proud of that Double Speak. I remember him saying that he takes no responsibility...maybe a different talk. I know, like wtf? Does he just say so many lies and insane stuff as much as he can in 2 minutes so people won't know what the shit he's talking about? My god. Was watching, guess I missed this moment. Maybe we'll see a sound bite. You see, I'm playing both sides, so no matter who wins I come out on top. Take responsibility but still don't do anything about it.Trump should go on trial for crimes against humanity for his handling of Covid in the US. When he said, “I do take responsi. BUY IT:  Perfect Black Cat How To Train Your Human Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Happy School Is Important But Sports Car Racing Is Importanter Vintage Shirt

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Wrong if you make no sense at all.Trump: I play both sides so that I always come out on top. I do not think that word means what he thinks it means. In his mind, those statements are consistent. They should have asked him how much money was in his secret Chinese bank account that he denies having. He’d probably give us the amount. We are getting close to the ending of the narcissist’s prayer. Yes, in that exact sequence. There wasn't even a gap between "I take responsibility" and "China's fault.". He took the responsibility and passed it right to China in a swift movement. See, if I play both sides then I always come out on top. He took the responsibility an. BUY IT:  Happy School Is Important But Sports Car Racing Is Importanter Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Original South Carolina Will Always Be My Home Vintage Shirt

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In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click here to review our details as to our approved domains list and outlet criteria. Trump literally said: "I take responsibility. It's not my fault, it's China's fault". Playing both sides so he can both confirm and deny. You can never bee. BUY IT:  Original South Carolina Will Always Be My Home Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Nice School Is Important But Synchronized Swimming Is Importanter Vintage Shirt

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She'd taken from his home. I used to be crying laughing learn it. Woohoo! Sure, sure she does! Im so glad I can inform folks this! She had a really tough couple of years, and the guide displays that. There's some hilarious stuff however loads of it is rather grim certainly - extra even than the despair stuff in H&AH. The story I point out above is free on her weblog. I’m so completely happy she’s again, I really like her! Each now and again i might go test her weblog on the off likelihood that she’d posted something new. I’m so excited lol I’m about to go there proper now! I hope she’s doing higher, I used too be anxious after the despair publish after which. BUY IT:  Nice School Is Important But Synchronized Swimming Is Importanter Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Funny School Is Important But Stock Car Racing Is Importanter Vintage Shirt

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However will stroll throughout our yard in direction of their home saying their identify after which have a soften down once I scoop her up and convey her again residence. Allie Brosh's new guide has a chapter on the fascination she had with a neighbour when she was 3. She would squeeze out the catflap and go into his home, take issues and depart issues. Finally she mentioned some random factor to her dad and mom about "being at Richard's" and so they went over there pondering the poor man was a predator. He had no thought what she'd been doing. She was finally rolled when she took his cat residence and put it in the identical drawer  all the opposite issues. BUY IT:  Funny School Is Important But Stock Car Racing Is Importanter Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Hot Best Buckin' Papa Ever Vintage Shirt

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Random occasions of the day. She would stroll in her visitor room and I’d be sitting on the sofa ready and I scared absolutely the shit out of her each time. She would then precede to carry I a Food plan Coke and a snack and she or he would activate the wheel of fortune or let’s make a deal for I to observe then depart I alone. She known as I the ghost trigger I used to be so sneaky. I’m actually shocked I by no means gave her a coronary heart assault and killed her. I am anxious my daughter will begin to do that as soon as she's older, she LOVES our neighbors as a result of they've kitty cats and a sizzling tub (who would not love that although). She solely. BUY IT:  Hot Best Buckin' Papa Ever Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Pretty Texas Will Always Be My Home Vintage Shirt

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If this occurred, even after seeing that it was a bit woman. Random little woman I've by no means seen in my home in the course of the evening? Clearly an evil spirit. I get fucking terrified seeing a bit woman in my home at evening, and she or he’s my very own rattling baby! My previous neighbor did this. She would randomly simply come into my dad and mom' home at any hour of the day and act like she lived there. Her dad and mom weren't very secure in order that's why my mother allowed it. Her mother ended up committing suicide by cop. My neighbor was an previous girl who was kinda like a grandma to I. After I was about 3-5yo I might sneak into her home are.  BUY IT:  Pretty Texas Will Always Be My Home Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Funny Keep Calm And Save Otters Vintage Shirt

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Straight-up poverty in the country. They don't care what happens to the baby after it's born. They also tend to oppose contraception. So in a lot of instances, it's not even about the baby. If you cared so much about the baby you would really try to get easy access to contraceptives for women so they wouldn't get pregnant to begin with, but they don't. Because they literally care about one single issue and ignore everything else. Plus, they completely ignore the world the kids are going to grow up in with climate change. They ignore the fact that many may face abuse if they're born to a woman who loathes them. To give you some contra, or why that might be ba. BUY IT:  Funny Keep Calm And Save Otters Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Nice Llama Yoga No Prob Llama No Drama Llama Vintage Shirt

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Think you are missing how truly and deeply many strong conservatives believe abortion is murder.No matter how wrong and silly it may be. Try and imagine how you would feel if the party with the best policies on climate, healthcare, and wealth inequality also had the state's belief that it should be legal to kill your children if they turn out to be black, gay, trans, or female. It sounds absurd of course but if we put the “deaths” firmly in the range where you believe them to be murdered, perhaps it is easier to imagine the views of many others. They conveniently seem to ignore the millions upon millions of people going through financial hardships and justes. BUY IT:  Nice Llama Yoga No Prob Llama No Drama Llama Vintage Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Official Monday Is Punishment For What You Did During The Weekend Shirt

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Unselfish.  Plus, if everyone votes in the most self-serving manner, won't this equalize what everyone wants? Perhaps the most selfish someone can get is to not vote? People who vote for abortion to be banned aren't voting for themselves. They're voting against other people. If most Trump supporters vote for him because of abortion problems then they're not even voting in their own interest. If a Trump supporter votes for him because of empty promises about the economy. Because they want their stocks to be safe then they're voting against the interests. Of people in poverty who have more to lose than what little wealth they have. That's not how it works. I m. BUY IT:  Official Monday Is Punishment For What You Did During The Weekend Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Top Santa'S Favorite School Santa Christmas Santa Claus T-Shirt

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Genuinely believe it is a life at conception. To them, people are literally killing babies on a mass scale. It makes them uninformed but it doesn't make them an asshole. I can see how that single issue would be sacrosanct compared to everything else if you truly believe in life at conceptionYou're misunderstanding me. I'm talking about why you care about one or two issues so much. If it's because you want what's best for everyone then that's fine. If your one issue completely undermines democracy and the wellbeing of everyone around you then you're not justified. But it’s the democratic process that guarantees me the right to vote however I want, selfish orn. BUY IT:  Top Santa'S Favorite School Santa Christmas Santa Claus T-Shirt  Premium Trending Shirt This Season: Teeshirtcat - T-shirt - Customs

Sweety That's Dr. Biden To You Sir Shirt

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With our new toys.It simply makes the entire thing extra magical for youths, for us the presents had been simply a part of what was an incredible household day, wed all sit spherical and unwrap presents, then have bacon butties and brews then all of us muck in to assist make dinner whilst youngsters we had been the veg peelers, wed watch a Xmas movie whereas meals cooks after which sit down for the meal, inform cracker jokes, play video games watch some extra movies, many of the adults would go to sleep drunk us youngsters would play with our new toys.It’s about making youngsters behave so they may get presents from Santa. Merely saying “Effectively I mights. BUY IT:  Sweety That's Dr. Biden To You Sir Shirt

Top That’s What I Do I Drink And I Grill And I Know Things Game Of Thrones Shirt

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Totally different coz totally different elves wrote the labels (although santander rudolph at all times obtained my a bit of chocolate choice pack)It simply makes the entire thing extra magical for youths, for us the presents had been simply a part of what was an incredible household day, wed all sit spherical and unwrap presents, then have bacon butties and brews then all of us muck in to assist make dinner whilst youngsters we had been the veg peelers, wed watch a Xmas movie whereas meals cooks after which sit down for the meal, inform cracker jokes, play video games watch some extra movies, many of the adults would go to sleep drunk  youngsters would play. BUY IT:  Top That’s What I Do I Drink And I Grill And I Know Things Game Of Thrones Shirt

Pretty Texas Out Drinking Your State Since 1845 Beer Shirt

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She was like: "However do I nonetheless get presents?" We mentioned in fact and since than it has been rather more enjoyable for her.Rising up i knew my presents got here from my dad and mom/grandparents and so forth I additionally knew we did not have a lot cash for tremendous fancy presents and so forth so, the best way my dad and mom did was that e would ship our lists to santa, and mum and pa /nana and grandad/auntie n uncles and so forth. would inform santa how a lot that they had for presents that yr and santa would get them or the elves would ship them and ship them to our home my presents had been labeled off who obtained all of them the writing were. BUY IT:  Pretty Texas Out Drinking Your State Since 1845 Beer Shirt

Funny When You Can’t Look On The Bright Side I Will Sit With You In The Dark Cat Shirt

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Reply with, "I do not know, I suppose I've by no means actually thought of that earlier than. How do you suppose he does it?" Then let him work out a solution himself. We've not poked holes in his solutions up to now—as a result of you recognize, little child—however now we'll begin serving to him discover contradictions and impossibilities (he is aware of magic is not actual, so what makes Santa exempt from that?).We informed our child fairly younger that Santa did not exist (or St. Nicolaas as we rejoice right here) as a result of she began to get sleepless nights fairly early on as a result of she was afraid of the entire phantasm. After we informed her a. BUY IT:  Funny When You Can’t Look On The Bright Side I Will Sit With You In The Dark Cat Shirt

Nice Sometimes Cudding With My Corgi Is The Only Cure For A Bad Day Gift Shirt

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Doubtlessly be teased or ostracized as a result of he was the one child at college who did not consider in Santa, and (B) develop up not with the ability to relate to different individuals about this pretty massive cultural custom.I plan to make use of it as a possibility to show him essential considering abilities. He is simply attending to the age the place I anticipate him to start out questioning Santa's existence in earnest. He is had a couple of questions for us beforehand, and thus far my plan has labored effectively. The essential concept is, when he asks a query (e.g.: "How can Santa go to each home on this planet in only one evening?"), we simply a. BUY IT:  Nice Sometimes Cudding With My Corgi Is The Only Cure For A Bad Day Gift Shirt